Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Cottages, I Love That You Exist

Whew, so I went away this weekend. It was LOVELY. I needed it like nothing else. So nice to get out of the city and be in NATURE. I wrote about it here: midnight poutine.

And here is a video of an awesome storm, with musical accompaniment. The rest of the wkend was SUNNY and HOT, do not be fooled.

I will not yet post the hilarious video Charlotte took of me swimming. But witness my white feet (no longer so white after all the sunshine) and the lake I will be dreaming about all winter long.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

World Cup Ban on Cars, Horns, Whistles, Crappy Music


I live on a main one-way thoroughfare. And that's fine. It's not really that bad, usually just a bit loud at evening rush hour. But this, THIS has been going on since five and shows no signs of letting up. WE UNDERSTAND - ITALY WON THE WORLD CUP. I also love World Cup. I also cheered for Italy and perhaps "love" them but maybe not quite as much as you obviously do if your horn honking is how I am to measure your love. Yes, wow, your horns are so loud and your whistles mighty in the name of Italia. But it is almost midnight on a Sunday. And though I stay up late usually anyway, I do not usually feel like headbutting in the chest everyone in a car with a horn on my street.

I wrote more about the game and then a postscript about my later feelings about the celebrations on midnight poutine, btw.

Right now, can't think, barely type, too much loudness. It comes in waves, with the traffic lights. It's going to go on forever maybe. Forever.

Italy win, World Cup 2006, Montreal

Watch the video
witness the madness of Italian-Cdn soccer fans and their horn-honking, flag-waving selves...

oh man, what a day, no no no, WHAT A GAME. WHAT A WORLD CUP. I kind of can't believe it's over. What will I do? I will take advantage of the bunches of other ways to watch soccer in this town, that's what I'll do. Awesome.

But yaaay, Italy! Oh, they weren't my first choice, not my second either, but ya gotta cheer for someone - and I'd watched all the Italy games and had grown to love them. They may be a bunch of drama boys but they fought hard against France, who didn't exactly make it an easy game. Damn, France was tough and impressive.

I love soccer.

The post-game sushi and ice cream was also very very good and necessary.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

uh, time flies, like, y'know, soccer, uh, players over the backs of other soccer players

yeah yeah, it's been days, weeks even, since i've written anything anywhere (except ilx, of course...). and why? why? i'm blaming soccer. and substances. but waaay more blame on soccer, b/c my substance use always has been pretty freakin minor and only major in its uniqueness, its spaced-out, well-timed moments. much like the world cup. where greatness is seen throughout, but true greatness comes only in certain games, in certain moments.

and then there is the sadness. and the revenge. i'm talking about argentina losing to germany. and i'm talking about italy beating germany. aw yeah. this is maybe how it has to work. and today i found myself finally getting to cheer for france, which was alright.

and the final? should be a good game - what it's all about, really. i have to go with italy. i realize that if they win, the neighbourhood will erupt, the street i live on will be closed from before my house all the way to little italy and probably further, and horns will be honked well into the night. but i can deal with that. it will be the last night out WORLD CUP and it should be good.

and then what? i am weighing my soccer options.
also: the many other things i'm to do with my time/self/ideas. lots of things.

i had a good band practice tonight. we now have charlotte back in mtl - yaay - so we are a three-person band now. AWESOME. plus we are now extra loud. um.