Monday, February 02, 2004

so much work to do, yet so much work not done. but it was the weekend, the *weekend*! i didn't even waste time watching the superbowl. mostly because if i had watched it time would have moved slower. holy crap, i'm so glad i'm not into football. i managed to catch beyonce's national anthem and then, by some miracle (haha), i turned on the tv to see miss jackson belted out (gasp) 'rhythm nation'! and then justin timberlake came on stage! i was all, whoa, and then i was all, i'm turning the tv off.

i had to keep turning the tv on and off all evening to check to see whether the game was over yet. it never was. until it finally was. and then there was a post-game thing. why do this? for *all-star survivor*! of course. and it was good. i know i shouldn't watch it b/c it's not so good for the blood pressure, but i can't help it. i've stopped watching csi and law&order and such shows because i figured out they were giving me nightmares (and, yes, what i suspect was boughts of high blood pressure - i have low blood pressure, and i think it just tends to shoot way up sometimes. no happy medium there. i realized that i even have to drink half-caffeinated coffee now! garr. and sugar = bad.)

anyway, all-star survivor is all tension. everyone knows how to play the game and everyone's freaked out a bit. oh, tv...

i did finish reading 'the thorn birds' yesterday. i had forgotten that it was a fairly depressing book really. i did enjoy it though - and for an historical, 'epic', romance type novel, the writing is decent.

i haven't started a new novel yet. instead i've been reading a book about facial disfigurement. there are a lot of first-person accounts in it, so it's pretty fascinating. and bound to give me a few nightmares. i can only remain academically detached for so long, y'know. actually, not for long at all. i'm all for objectivity and love objectivity, but i don't think it's the same as detachment. and i wouldn't want detachment really.

and blah blah blah. stop.


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