Wednesday, January 21, 2004

No, I haven't forgotten my blog password.

I am full of decaf earl grey tea. blarrgh. I am also full of some really good cauliflower curry-type soup I made. Damn good. I had to make soup with lots of spices b/c yesterday I woke up with a sore throat. aaaagh. This is the first time I've been 'sick' since August. I'm not going to admit that I'm sick though, hence the quotation marks. I think I'm even feeling better now, what with all the soup and tea. (and chocolate pudding. with coconut on top.)

Also, I can't be sick because Saturday is my *birthday*. whoo! Not only is it my birthday, but it's my 29th birthday. *And* I'm having a party. *And* it's a Twin Peaks party! i'm all excited. I'm still deciding on who to be though: a dead laura palmer, a sultry yet naive audrey horne, or agent cooper. i'm leaning towards laura just for sheer creep-out factor. I mean, Twin Peaks was so much about that creepiness. I just re-watched the pilot and the first 5 episodes and had to cover my eyes a few times so as to avoid having the image of Bob re-burned into my brain again. I mean, it's there, but it's faded. So when I caught a glimpse of the scene where he's hiding at the end of laura's bed and grinning, well, I guess that glimpse was enough to re-traumatize me. oh well. it was worth it. er.

In other news, I've been cutting back on my tv-watching. Even American Idol can't keep me in front of the tube these days. I'm hunkering down to do all kinds of academic-like werk. i've got a lot to do. So I've made a few decisions re: tv. that is, only watch shows I really want to watch and try really really hard not to watch more than two hours in a row. I rarely do that anyway, but sometimes thursday nights get me. holy crap, i even talk too much about tv.

"the o.c.", however, remains good, solid entertainment. and "nip/tuck", well, if you didn't see it last week (which i believe was the season finale), you missed some awesome television. slickness. and i will stop now.

i'm also sitting in on a feminist media theory class (i'm technically finished all my course credits, so i'm just doing the readings and going to class but not having to worry about being graded. nice.) so yeah, that's interesting and relevant to what i'm researching. good stuff. still, i hope some fights break out in class. that'd be cool.

other things: I'm still going to London in April for a couple weeks and am still excited. whoo! london! my best friend is having a baby, which is great and exciting in itself. also, my brother is going to rome to run a marathon (for diabetes - he's diabetic) and will fly up to london for a few days while i'm there. i haven't seen him in well over a year, so that's also super exciting. so now i just have to work out where he can stay - hoping that nice london-dwelling friends will offer their floor or couch. I haven't yet asked people though. I'll probably need that couch/floor myself while in London, as I'll need to let my friend plus baby and husband be alone some days/nights. ah, well, such is trip-planning. i hate asking for favours though... (damn my independent streak.)

so, while i'm sick and busy with school and the magazine i edit and such, i'm in decent spirits. i'm also going to start reading a pynchon book. and make a few cds for a friend in need of new music. there is nothing to complain about. :)


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