Monday, January 26, 2004

now we are 29...

and ever so clever, yet feeling kinda guilty about it. hahaha. i had a birthday party and lots of people came out in the freezing cold to wish me all sorts of birthday goodness. the Twin Peaks theme turned out to be well-chosen. a friend shaved off his beard and kept the mustache so that he could be Pete ("a fish seemed to take a likin' to my percolator") and holy cow did he look like him - he even died his hair and slicked it down. brilliant. another friend showed up extremely late and managed to achieve exactly the same level of drunkness i had achieved (which was: the most drunk people at the party, oh yeah) - he was dressed as Leland Palmer, cardigan and craziness, and he made me dance with him. i was dressed as audrey, with the plaid skirt, sweater set and high heels. then my Leland friend put on a blonde wig and as if things weren't lynchian enough, started to pontificate about the montreal metro system. again, brilliant.

so now i am 29 and it feels pretty good. i think that today is the last day of my cold, but it's hard to tell just how sick i am b/c i believe i have the beastly 2-day hangover. aagh. i intended to be a good hostess and not drink too much, stick with my whisky and soda, y'know, but then people gave me alcohol (why do people always do that?) and there was coffee (twin peaks theme, yes) and there was some really good liquer to go in the coffee. and then there was a lot of wine just layin' around... i certainly crossed my line of excess. you know, once crossed there is no stopping me and it's all booze, drugs and falling down. thankfully i was surrounded by friends who were there both to catch me before i hit the floor and wrestle the bottles of red wine from my surprisingly strong grasp.

parties are fun.


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