Okay, so I got warmed up with that lipstick post.
I speak French! It's awesome! I could understand all the French announcements on the train back here! I could understand French programs on tv while recovering from that (painful and 3-hour late) 18-hour train ride! It rocks. I'm on my way to bilingualism, people. And if I don't live up to that Promise to Self, you can chastise me. Please.
I highly recommend immersion programs such as the one I went on (especially if they are free and supported by your country's government.) It was totally intense and I was tired every day and had no free time or time to myself, but *whatever*, I know French. Well, I'm at an intermediate level of French and can speak and comprehend waaay better than before. The writing and reading isn't the problem, it's the quick thinking bit. Yeah, so I'm much better at that. It's cool to actually be able to perceive the change upon return to Montreal. So I must continue in my French-learnin' ways, having come this far.
I'm not going to write in French today though. Je ne veux pas maintenant. C'est humide aujourd'hui et je suis paresseuse. Oh non! J'ecris en francais et j'ai dit que je n'ecriverais pas. Oh well. At least I didn't put in any of the all-important accent marks.
Agh, I just caught a glimpse of a pile of lipsticks sitting on my desk. I'm not going out tonight, but they call to me "Robyn, robbbbbyyyynnn, choose one of us and go out with lipstick on. pleeeease." Do I need to purchase some kind of Kaboodles-like hot-pink and electric-blue plastic box/make-up organizer? The thought hurts me. But it is necessary, I'm thinking. I'd much rather get a fishing tackle box and convert that instead. I daren't risk having to go to Wal-Mart to find such a specialty item as the former. And gawd knows that I exceeded my lifetime maximum Wal-Mart visits while in Moncton. Seriously, it was close (ish) to where I was living in Moncton and we went to get our photos developed there. A lot of people really love Wal-Mart. I can see why, but any love I have for it quickly dissipates after, well, after being there for 3 -7 minutes (depending on who comes into my field of vision and what they are buying. levels of horror. Levels. of. Horror.)
I have heat delerium, perhaps. It's been humide all day and then it rained like crazy, like the sky was a giant showerhead, but the kind with the big holes that kind of has bigger drips rather than those needle-like jets of water. agh, i hate those.) And now the sun threatens to come out. And I have a cold. And a lot of lipstick.
I speak French! It's awesome! I could understand all the French announcements on the train back here! I could understand French programs on tv while recovering from that (painful and 3-hour late) 18-hour train ride! It rocks. I'm on my way to bilingualism, people. And if I don't live up to that Promise to Self, you can chastise me. Please.
I highly recommend immersion programs such as the one I went on (especially if they are free and supported by your country's government.) It was totally intense and I was tired every day and had no free time or time to myself, but *whatever*, I know French. Well, I'm at an intermediate level of French and can speak and comprehend waaay better than before. The writing and reading isn't the problem, it's the quick thinking bit. Yeah, so I'm much better at that. It's cool to actually be able to perceive the change upon return to Montreal. So I must continue in my French-learnin' ways, having come this far.
I'm not going to write in French today though. Je ne veux pas maintenant. C'est humide aujourd'hui et je suis paresseuse. Oh non! J'ecris en francais et j'ai dit que je n'ecriverais pas. Oh well. At least I didn't put in any of the all-important accent marks.
Agh, I just caught a glimpse of a pile of lipsticks sitting on my desk. I'm not going out tonight, but they call to me "Robyn, robbbbbyyyynnn, choose one of us and go out with lipstick on. pleeeease." Do I need to purchase some kind of Kaboodles-like hot-pink and electric-blue plastic box/make-up organizer? The thought hurts me. But it is necessary, I'm thinking. I'd much rather get a fishing tackle box and convert that instead. I daren't risk having to go to Wal-Mart to find such a specialty item as the former. And gawd knows that I exceeded my lifetime maximum Wal-Mart visits while in Moncton. Seriously, it was close (ish) to where I was living in Moncton and we went to get our photos developed there. A lot of people really love Wal-Mart. I can see why, but any love I have for it quickly dissipates after, well, after being there for 3 -7 minutes (depending on who comes into my field of vision and what they are buying. levels of horror. Levels. of. Horror.)
I have heat delerium, perhaps. It's been humide all day and then it rained like crazy, like the sky was a giant showerhead, but the kind with the big holes that kind of has bigger drips rather than those needle-like jets of water. agh, i hate those.) And now the sun threatens to come out. And I have a cold. And a lot of lipstick.
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