Thursday, July 10, 2003

je me sens...
je me sens, um, débordé? well, perhaps for a bit. now i`m just sens-ing french. like, everything is french. me=french. it`s therefore hard to write in english at the moment - a bit annoying since, well, my life kinda revolves around, oh, knowing how to write well in english. lardeelar. i`m sure that once this french sinks in a bit more, i`ll be back to my old self, making puns and using the english language for what it was meant for - witticisms! or something of that sort. i made a pun in french the other day! there was a choice of evening activities and one of them was making candy, yes, faire les bonbons. et, parce que je suis un peu sensible au sucre, j`ai dit: c`est n`est pas bon bon pour moi. hahahahaha. yes, please, stop yourself or you`ll give yourself a bellyache and wreck your eyeliner. puns are always a minor victory, especially when they ellicit french-accented groans. fab.

i`m desperately missing my music collection. in my rush out of the house to get the train, i managed to pack a mere 6 cds. i`ve been borrowing a friend`s (really old) discman, hence the cds instead of tapes. my lovely and great walkman was dropped to many times. rather, i dropped my lovely and great walkman too many times. when will a lovely and great iPod come my way? sigh. actually, the money situation truly suXors right now, which means i should be asking myself things more along the lines of When will a lovely and great meal that consists of something other than oatmeal come my way? ah, no, it hasn`t quite gotten to that; i`m a frugal shopper and I believe this is what has kept me going sans oatmeal dinners for this long. here in moncton though, what with this being a government-sponsored let`s-learn-french-like-we-should-have-when-we-were-young program, the food is all paid for. so i`m Eating Well. and being healthy and going to the gym and going for long walks and all these other things. i`m studying too, of course. the only drawback is that it`s summer and i`d rather be at the beach all day. because the beach in bluddy fabulous. we went on the weekend and i didn`t want to leave. i went swimming for a really long time. i want a summer house on the beach, west coast or east coast, doesn`t matter to me as long as there`s an ocean i can swim in (and not die a horrible pollution-caused death.)

right-o. bien. alors!
oh, i learned a little acadian jig last night in a little acadian dance lesson. it rocks. i`ve added it to my very small cache of Things I Can Do. I`m still trying to figure out what else is in that cache: um, picking people up in a fireman hold; talking about cyborg-related ideas; push-ups; extended rambling; speaking french (!); speaking english (?); eating oatmeal. hahaha. lists are greatness.

the french has obviously gotten to my head and is eating away at my brains. brains, mmm.


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