The World Cup Routine

The internet has helped me here. I love the internet and, obv, the people who use it to its extremes and how it is meant to be used. I thank these people and their technological know-how. As a (grad-y) student, I don't have a set schedule. Oh, I have things to do, work to work on and finish, appointments to keep, but there's always a way to work those around the World Cup schedule. Yes, this is what's happened to me, let it be no surprise.
So anyway, my team is ARGENTINA and has been since before the whole thing started (so don't think i'm jumping on any bandwagons here) - thought was put into this. Well, a bit of thought. I don't really watch soccer very often, but I did some reading up. And after World Cup is over, I think I might need to choose a club, y'know, have games to watch throughout the year. All other sports-viewing interests may be sacrificed. Except winter olympics. (okay, i don't really watch any other sports. sometimes hockey, yeah, that's true.)
ANYWAY, a good thing about this schedule is that I go running at the gym in btwn games or at the end of the day - and wouldn't you know it but I'm running better and better and faster and up more hills. Abs are beginning to show. Inspired by soccer! I haven't been faking any injuries or falling down and practicing my grimace-face though. If you want to play soccer with me, I promise I will do this though.
I'm serious about the soccer playing - let me know! I'm so IN.
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