Wednesday, May 07, 2003

I've been told that humans are meant to walk a lot. And though I enjoy a good long walk I've noticed that a lot of other humans do not seem to enjoy walking. Or, more accurately, they do not do it too much. Sometimes I walk because I'm too cheap/inanimpoverishedstate to take the metro and riding my bike would be inappropriate/uncomfortable (e.g., i'm wearing a skirt; going somewhere that will end up with me in a state wherein bike riding = sure death.) I walked to Chinatown yesterday, having never explored that part of the city. I found out that it only takes up about 2 square blocks. Oh well. But they had what I needed: $1.99 slippers, red bean buns, and tapioca starch. Strange coming from Vancouver though where Chinatown is pretty big and you can go from store to store searching for, say, a Totoro keychain, and know that you will eventually find it in some hole-in-the-wall manga/stuffed cartoon animal paraphernalia shop.

Walking, yeah. I need some new sandals b/c I walked right through my last pair and dare not make my beautiful red and white camper sandals my primary summer shoes. God no! Those are Special Occasion Shoes of Glory. I'm torn between buying a cheap-ass pair of sandals at, like, Payless or Yellow or some other semi-knock-off shoe store and buying a pair of $85 hush puppie sandals that would last a little longer and not hurt my feet. Plunking down the cash for those is difficult though. In the past, when employed, when not prioritizing "intellectual betterment" over fashion, I would have thought $85 decent. Blame my high arches, blame my high tastes, I don't know. I have a weakness for shoes that, unlike my weakness for clothes, cannot be saited at the thrift store (have you *ever* seen a pair of size 10 women's shoes in decent shape in a second-hand store? I have not. Of course, my definition of "decent" is "unsullied by other people's feet").

The Decemberists are a good band I have just heard on the radio. I have made a note to try not to spend too much time downloading their songs. I made that note for Sunday too and didn't leave the house until 7pm. And it was sunny out! But oh, c'mon, I have bought so many cds in the past 4 years and gone to so many shows and bought merchandise, that a little downloading can't hurt me. And knowing me, I'm totally going to buy all the proper cds and go to all the shows once I'm out of school and making the cash once again. I'm just Like That. Downloading is simply a stopgap.

Oh man, there's a Montreal band called Arcade Fire. I love that.
More later. More better.


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